Ongoing Projects 2024

1. Building Nutrition 'Foward' Better
2. 3 Million Eucalyptus tree per County at a time Great Change For All are planting Eucalyptus trees for forest restoration and conservation in Counties in Nyanza province, Kenya.The project targets reduction of amount of carbon in the atmosphere by sequestering carbon in new growth every year through Eucalyptus tree plantation and enhanced livelihoods generation opportunities that help revive natural ecosystems. As a Eucalyptus tree grows, it stores more carbon by holding it in its accumulated tissue.
3. Cassava for food security and sustainable livelihoods in Nyakach Constituency

Upcoming Projects 2024

1. Improving Mental Health and Well being in Kisumu County.
2. Protection & Restoration of see grass Habitats and Species found within them in Mombasa.
3. Provision of clean drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation in 3 Primary Schools in Nyakach Constituency.
4. Send A Limb Walk 2024